Ziyoda Saparbaeva, a 9th grade student at the Creativity School named after Ogahi, who participated in the third international online conference AMERICAN DREAM on June 5-6-7, 2021, was awarded a certificate and a recommendation for her leadership skills.
The Republican Council of Young Scientists, ISMA University and Westminster Academy jointly organized the UPWARD GROWTH FORUM, in which Gulmira Ravshanbekova, a 9th grade student at the Agahi School of Creativity, contributed to the forum as the most active delegate. received an International Certificate, Letter of Appreciation and Letter of Recommendation for.
Ziyoda Saparbaeva, a 10th grade student at the Creativity school named after Ogahi under the Agency for the Development of the Presidential, Creativity and Specialized Schools , who participated in the REACHING STARS international online conference, was awarded a certificate and a letter of recommendation for her active participation and leadership skills.
For active participation in the 16th Republican scientific-online conference "Development of modern education system and creative ideas, proposals and solutions aimed at it" with the article "Analysis of a Gazelle" Agahi Creative School 8 -student Bahodirova Mushtariybonu and research supervisor, teacher of native language and literature of Ogahiy creative school Shoira Gulyamova were awarded with Diplomas and Certificates.