Dear users, In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On appeals of individuals and legal entities", you have the right to submit applications, proposals and complaints to, the Agency of specialized educational institutions. Before contacting the agency, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the procedure for reviewing complaints about the activities of the agency.
Types of appeals
Appeals can be in the form of applications, suggestions and complaints.
Application is a request for assistance in the exercise of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.
A proposal is a statement that contains recommendations for improving the functioning of the state and society.
A complaint is a request for the restoration of violated rights, freedoms and protection of legitimate interests.
Appeals are equally important, regardless of their type and form.
Procedure for filling appeals
Appeals are addressed directly to the Agency of specialized educational institutions, as well as to organizations in the system or a higher authority.
Individuals and legal entities have the right to submit the application independently, as well as to delegate the authority to their representative or to send the application by mail or electronically. In the interests of minors, incapacitated and disabled persons, appeals may be filled by their legal representatives in the manner prescribed by law.
The appeal may be accompanied by existing decisions or copies thereof, as well as other documents required for its consideration, which shall not be returned, unless the applicant has submitted a written request for their return. When the application is sent to another state body, it must be accompanied by the specified documents.
Deadlines for submission of appeals
Deadlines for submission of applications are not set as a rule. In some cases, if it depends on the capacity of the agency to consider the appeal, the need to ensure the timely implementation and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, as well as other the deadline for filing an appeal may be set on the grounds.
An application or complaint to a higher authority shall be submitted to an individual or legal entity no later than one year from the moment it is known that an act (omission) violating his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests has been committed or a decision has been made.
Procedure for consideration of appeals
Appeals to the agency are considered by the agency or by an official assigned to it.
Appeals that do not fall within the competence of the agency to resolve the issues will be sent to the relevant authorities within five days, and the applicant will be notified in writing or electronically.
It is prohibited to unreasonably transfer appeals to other state bodies for consideration or to send them to the bodies or officials whose decisions or actions (inaction) are being appealed.
If the appeals do not contain the information necessary to send them to the appropriate authorities, these appeals will be returned to the applicant no later than five days with a reasoned explanation.
In case of need for additional information, references and materials for full, impartial and timely consideration of the application, the official of the Agency shall request the individual or legal entity, as well as its authority, as well as may request additional information from other government agencies. If the information does not contain information constituting a state secret or other secret protected by law, does not harm the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, the interests of society and the state, the Agency, its officials ensure that the information requested from them is provided within ten days.
During reviewing an appeal, agency officials may arrange for an on-site review if necessary.
If it is not possible to consider the application in the absence of the applicant or another person, they may be summoned by an official of the Agency. In the absence of the summoned applicant, the Agency official shall respond by stating that it is not possible to consider the application without his / her participation.
The response to the appeal shall be signed by the head of the agency or another authorized official.
If the issues raised in the appeal are related to the activities of business entities, their representatives shall be involved by the state bodies within their competence to participate in the consideration of the appeal.
If during the consideration of the application there is a need to inspect the activities of business entities, including the inspection (audit) of financial and economic activities, the inspection is carried out in accordance with the law.
Individuals and legal entities have the right to withdraw their appeals by submitting a written or electronic application until they are considered and a decision is made on the appeal at the time of consideration.
The withdrawal request does not preclude the Agency from taking steps to identify and remedy the breaches.
Appeal deadlines
The application or complaint shall be considered within fifteen days from the date of its receipt by the agency, and within one month if additional investigation and (or) verification is required, and additional documents are requested.
In cases when it is necessary to conduct an investigation, request additional materials or take other measures for the consideration of applications and complaints, the deadlines for their consideration shall be determined by the head of the Agency as an exception, may be extended for one month, the applicant shall be notified.
The proposal shall be considered within one month from the date of its receipt by the agency, except for proposals that require additional study, the individual or legal entity that submitted the proposal shall be notified in writing within ten days.
Ignore appeals
The following appeals will not be considered:
- anonymous appeals;
- appeals submitted through representatives of individuals and legal entities, in the absence of documents confirming their authority;
- appeals that do not meet other requirements of the law.
Agency address:
Tashkent, Yashnabad district, Makhtumkuli street, IT-park building,
Phone: (998) 71 207 20 17
Work schedule:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 – 18:00
Lunch: 13:00 – 14:00
Weekends: Saturday and Sunday