Open data

Information on the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Information on vacancies in the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

General information about the schools of the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

List of schools under the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions, their addresses and other contact information
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

The number of local teachers working in schools under the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

The number of foreign teachers working in schools under the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Presidential School Admission Information
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Creative School Admission Information
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Specialized school Admission Information
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Reception days and contact information of the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Results of consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities in the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Admission quotas for Presidential schools 
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Number of documents submitted to Presidential schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Dates and locations of entrance examinations to Presidential schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Number of applicants for one place in Presidential Schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Admission quotas for creative schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Number of applicants to creative schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Places and dates of passing qualifying exams for creative schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

The number of candidates for a position for creative schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Admission quotas for specialized schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Number of applicants for specialized schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Places and dates of qualifying examinations for specialized schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Number of candidates per place in specialized schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Information on vacancies in existing classes of creative and specialized schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Capacity of schools subordinated to the Agency
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Information about master classes, spiritual events, meetings with famous personalities, and mass competitions in schools under the authority of the Agency
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Indicators of admission of school graduates under the Agency‘s jurisdiction to higher educational institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Indicators of admission of school graduates under the Agency‘s jurisdiction to foreign higher education institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

School vacancies at the agency
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Seminars conducted to improve the qualifications of teachers conducting activities in schools under the authority of the Agency
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Information about video lessons created on the basis of valuable Uzbek and foreign literary works in creative schools
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Government expenditure per secondary student
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Vehicle information
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Information about public procurement
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF

Information on travel expenses of the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions
Available formats: CSV JSON XML XLS RDF