Agentlikning markaziy apparati va Agentlikning tasarrufidagi muassasalarda yuridik xizmat bilan ishlarni bo‘lim xodimlari ishtirokida olib borish
Yuridik xizmat bilan bog‘liq ishlarni qonun hujjatlariga asosan olib borish.
Agentlik tizimidagi korxona, muassasa va tashkilotlarda Bo‘limning xodimlarini normativ hujjatlar bilan taʼminlanganlik darajasini o‘rganadi va amaliy yordam berish.
Yuridik xizmat va xalq taʼlimi sohasiga bevosita tegishli normativ-huquqiy xujjatlar bazasini tayyorlash yuzasidan ishlarga boshchilik qiladi va ushbu vazifaning bajarilishini bevosita nazorat qilish.
davlat organi va tashkilotining huquqni qo‘llash faoliyatida qonun ustuvorligi va qonuniylikni taʼminlashni tashkil etish;
davlat organi va tashkiloti tomonidan ishlab chiqilayotgan (qabul qilinayotgan) normativ-huquqiy va boshqa hujjatlar loyihalarining qonunchilikka muvofiqligi ustidan nazoratni olib borish;
davlat organi va tashkilotining qonun ijodkorligi faoliyatida ishtirok etish, qonunchilikni takomillashtirish yuzasidan takliflarni tayyorlash masalalarida ularning tuzilmalari ishini muvofiqlashtirish
Jangirov Jorabek Qarshiyevich
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (121)
To acquaint the ordinary public with the performance of the Agency of Specialized Educational Institutions under the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the work carried out by the Agency in the education system, including its contribution to reforms;
Inform the public about the school life about the achievements of students studying at schools under the agency;
Identify talented students in secondary schools of the republic, organizes and regularly carries out work to inform them about Presidential, creative and specialized schools through various social networks.
Togayeva Zamira Fayzullayevna
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (261)
Davlat xizmatiga zamonaviy fikrlaydigan, tashabbuskor, masʼuliyatli, kasbiy tayyorlangan kadrlarni jalb etishda, Davlat boshqaruvi va ijroiya organlarida kadrlar hisobini yurituvchi tizimni takomillashtirishda hamda yuqori malakali kadrlarni chet elga ketib qolishining oldini olishda, ularni davlat xizmatiga, iqtisodiyot tarmoqlariga keng jalb qilish bo‘yicha chora-tadbirlar Dasturi loyihasini ishlab chiqishda tegishli vazirlik va idoralarda tashkil etilgan ishchi guruhlarga aniq takliflar kiritib borish.
Agentlik tizimidagi pedagog kadrlar taʼminoti va tarkibi bo‘yicha tekshiruvlarda ishtirok etish
Muvaffakiyatli xorijiy tajribadan kelib chiqqan xolda menejmentning zamonaviy tizimlari asosida kadrlar bilan ishlash mexanizmini takomillashtirish
Kadrlarni boshqarish sohasida xodimlar tarkibining son va sifat xususiyatlari agentlik oldida turgan vazifalarga muvofiq kelishiga erishish va uni saqlab qolishga yo‘naltirilgan siyosatni shakllantiradi va amalga oshirilishini taʼminlash
Agentlik xodimlari uchun mansab pog‘onalaridan ko‘tarilishda mehnat faoliyatini ahloq-iroda sifatlari, iqtidori va ko‘nikmalarini obyektiv baholashga asoslangan teng imkoniyatlar yaratilishini taʼminlaydi va nazoratga olish.
Xodimlarda yuksak kasbiy odob-axloqni, korrupsiyaga qarshi turish madaniyatini va unga toqat qilib bo‘lmaydigan munosabatni shakllantirish bo‘yicha taʼsirchan choralarni ko‘rish
Muntazam asosda kadrlarning professional darajasini oshirish, bunda ularning uzluksiz taʼlim olishini (sohaga oid va yuqori malakali mutaxassislarni jalb qilgan holda), shu jumladan xorijda tashkil etadi
Agentlik tasarrufidagi maktablarlarning kadrlar bilan ishlash bo‘linmalari faoliyati muvofiqlashtirilishini tashkil etish
Umarxodjayev Akramxo`ja Djamalxodja O'g'li
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (131)
To establish, expand and increase the effectiveness of the Agency's international relations;
Coordination of the Agency's cooperation with foreign educational authorities, international organizations operating in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Coordination of international relations in the Agency system;
Participate in the development of international treaties, memorandums, programs and other documents developed on behalf of the Agency;
Ensuring the participation of the Director, Deputy Directors and employees of the Agency in international events;
Organize meetings of the Agency (if necessary, deputy directors) with representatives of international and foreign organizations, diplomatic missions in accordance with the procedures of the international and diplomatic protocol;
Implementation of protocol support for the head of the Agency at international events;
Participate in the selection and registration of candidates for overseas business trips of the management, employees of the Agency, as well as teachers and students of the Agency;
Coordination of the reception of foreign delegations visiting the Agency;
Coordination of the Agency's activities for the timely and high-quality implementation of international programs, agreements, contracts and other documents agreed with the educational authorities and other structures of foreign countries;
Strengthening the international positions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education through the use of international relations, the use of reliable information about the education system of the republic;
Participation in international educational events (forums, conferences, exhibitions, internships, retraining, etc.) in foreign countries, as well as the participation of the responsible personnel of the Agency and teachers and students of educational institutions;
Communication with international and foreign organizations, registered embassies, consulates and representative offices of foreign states operating in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Development of proposals for the regulation and provision of international cooperation in the field of education.
Samandarov Xakimboy Davlatbayevich
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (242)
Nazarov Sulaymon Mannonovich
Head of department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (271)
In order to ensure high efficiency of methodological support, physiology and psychological characteristics of students, in accordance with the possibilities of assimilation, based on the needs of society and the development of science and technology, harmonization of state educational standards of the Presidential creative and specialized schools, continuous improvement of curricula;
Monitoring the implementation of state educational standards and curricula in the Agency's institutions, determining the prospects for the development of the educational process based on analysis;
Coordinates and oversees the development and publication of curricula for Presidential, creative and specialized schools, as well as their implementation in teaching practice.
Usmanov Hasan Toxirovich
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (251)
Coordination of the Agency's actions in the field of management, control of executive discipline and work with appeals:
The Agency is responsible for the implementation of the Constitution, laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Oliy Majlis, decrees, resolutions, orders and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Presidential Administration, as well as decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers and its Presidium. Organizes control over the timely execution of documents (requests from individuals and legal entities) by structural divisions;
Ensures the timely and high-quality implementation of the tasks assigned to the management of the President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Agency, and also controls the implementation of these tasks by the schools that are part of the Agency.
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (222)
Agentlik hamda agentlik tizimidagi tashkilotlarning axborot-kommunikasiya texnologiyalari va telekommunikasiya tarmoqlari, dasturiy, ma’lumotlar almashish va saqlash vositalarini rivojlantirish bo‘yicha loyihalarni muvofiqlashtirish
Agentlik xarajatlar smetalarida tizimdagi jarayonlarni avtomatlashtirish, axborot-kommunikasiya texnologiyalarini joriy etish va rivojlantirish, Agentlik markaziy apparati xodimlarining axborot-kommunikasiya texnologiyalari bo‘yicha malakasini oshirish yuzasidan takliflar ishlab chiqish
Agentlikning axborot xavfsizligi siyosatini ishlab chiqish, o‘rnatilgan tartibda kelishish va tasdiqlatilishini tashkillashtiradi, Agentlik tasarrufidagi ta’lim muassasalarida, tashkilotlarda axborot xavfsizligi bo‘yicha amalga oshirilayotgan ishlarni muvofiqlashtirish
Ta’lim muassasalarining zamonaviy AKT qurilmalari bilan ta’minlash bo‘yicha taqsimotni ishlab chiqish
Agentlik tizimida boshqaruvni samarali tashkil etish maqsadida jarayonlarni optimallashtirish hamda takomillashtirish (BPR) bo‘yicha ishlarni tashkillashtirish
Shaxobiddinova Malohat Zaynilobiddin qizi
Head of department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (211)
In the field of spirituality and enlightenment;
Conducting spiritual and educational work in the educational institutions of the Agency;
Formation of patriotism and love for the Motherland, tolerance, respect for the law, national and universal values, further increase and constant increase in the level of their spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical development among students of the Agency's educational institutions;
To develop the competence of school psychologists-practitioners of the Agency for the organization and implementation of psychological services in educational institutions;
Development of regulatory documents in the field of spiritual, pedagogical and psychological education of a harmoniously developed generation in the educational institutions of the Agency, carrying out campaign work, delivery to schools and monitoring their implementation;
Take measures to improve the efficiency of the deputy director for spiritual and educational work, a practicing psychologist, class teacher and educators of the Agency's educational institutions;
To encourage the development of the personality, legal and medical culture of students, compliance with ethical standards, their interests, abilities, independent study, creative work and psychological support in the educational institutions of the Agency. In agreement with the relevant ministries, departments and local authorities to coordinate coordination and organizational work;
Formation of theoretical views, necessary knowledge and skills in modern directions from the deputy directors for spiritual and educational work of the Agency and practicing psychologists;
Monitor the attendance of students at an educational institution under the Agency, coordinate interaction with local authorities on the full involvement of students who regularly and often miss classes;
to carry out propaganda work on management activities through the media.
Shayusupova Umida Shuxratovna
Chief Accountant
Phone: +998 71 207-20-17 (205)
Byudjet so‘rovini, byudjet buyurtmasini, xarajatlar smetasi va shtatlar jadvalini, ularga o‘zgartirishlarni, shuningdek, moliyaviy hisobotlarni ko‘rib chiqadi va imzolash
Moliyaviy-iqtisodiy masalalarga doir normativ-huquqiy hujjatlar loyihalarini, tegishliligi bo‘yicha Agentlik qarorlari, buyruqlari va shu kabi boshqa hujjatlar loyihalarini ishlab chiqish
Agentlikning tegishli boshqarma va bo‘limlari tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan normativ-huquqiy hujjatlar loyihalarini bo‘limga tegishligi bo‘yicha ko‘rib chiqish
Tejamkorlik rejimiga amal qilgan holda xarajatlar smetalarida talab etilmaydigan tadbirlar uchun byudjetdan ajratiladigan mablag‘lar kiritishga yo‘l qo‘ymaslikni nazorat qilish
Agenlik va uning tizimidagi maktablar tomonidan tuzilgan moliyaviy hisobotlarni belgilangan muddatdarda qabul qilib taxlil qilish va umumlashtirilgan xolda Moliya vazirligi Gʻaznachiligiga yuborish
Agentlikda madaniy-ommaviy tadbirlarni o‘tkazish bo‘yicha moliyaviy masalalarni ko‘rib chiqadi va taklif kiritish
Agentlik moliya-buxgalteriya xizmatlari faoliyatini muvofiqlashtirib borish
Agentlik moliyaviy-iqtisodiy faoliyatiga doir masalalarni hal qilish uchun boshqarma boshlig‘i orqali direktorning (moliyaviy-iqtisodiy masalalar bo‘yicha) o‘rinbosari muhokamasiga chiqarish
Agentlikda buxgalteriya hisobini tashkil qilish, uning to‘liq va aniq yuritish, moliya-xo‘jalik operasiyalarnini nazorat qilish, hisob-kitoblarning o‘z vaqtida amalga oshirilishini, shuningdek, buxgalteriya hujjatlarining saqlanishini ta’minlash
Agentlikning byudjet va byudjetdan tashqari hisob raqamlariga pul mablag‘larining hisobini ularning maqsadli va to‘liq sarflanishini tashkillashtirish, o‘rganish, tahlil qilish va natijasi yuzasidan rahbariyatga axborot berib borish
Abdullahanov Avzalkhon Azamatkhon oglu
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (202)
Jamg‘armaning joriy faoliyati va Vasiylik kengashi qarorlari ijrosini taʼminlanishi bilan bog‘liq ishlarni amalga oshirish;
Jamg‘arma mablag‘larining operativ boshqaruvini amalga oshirish;
Jamg‘arma daromadlarini to‘liq shakllanishini taʼminlash;
Jamg‘armaning yillik daromadlar va xarajatlar smetasini, shuningdek, ijrosi to‘g‘risidagi yillik hisobotini tayyorlaydi hamda Vasiylik kengashiga kiritish;
Jamg‘arma mablag‘larini maqsadli ishlatilishi bo‘yicha monitoring qilish;
Tizimda amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlarga tegishli loyihalar, tadbirlar va boshqa xarajatlarni Agentlik rahbari topshirig‘i asosida Jamg‘arma mablag‘lari hisobidan moliyalashtirish ishlarini amalga oshirish
Jamg‘arma Vasiylik kengashining so‘roviga binoan Jamg‘arma mablag‘larini oluvchilar bilan birgalikda uning mablag‘laridan foydalanish to‘g‘risida maʼlumot berish;
Xarajatlar smetasini tuzish va ijrosini taʼminlash;
Agentlik markaziy apparati, uning tizimdagi tashkilotlar va taʼlim muassasalarining ish haqi va unga tenglashtirilgan to‘lovlar, ijtimoiy ajratmalar va boshqa xarajatlarni moliyalashtirish;
Jamg‘arma hisobidan olinadigan tovarlar, ishlar va xizmatlarni xarid qilish uchun mablag‘ ajratish;
Jamg‘arma mablag‘laridan foydadanish bo‘yicha monitoring olib borish;
Jamg‘arma hisobidan mablag‘ oluvchilarga to‘lovlarni moliyalashtirish uchun tegishli hujjatlarni rasmiylashtirish;
Jamg‘arma joriy faoliyati va Vasiylik kengashi qarorlari ijrosini taʼminlanishi bilan bog‘liq ishlarni amalga oshirish
Saidov Muxammadfozil Maxamadaminovich
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (281)
Agentlikga xo‘jalik, texnika va avtotransport xizmatlari doimiy faoliyat ko‘rsatishini nazorat qilish
Xo‘jalik inventarlari, jihozlar, mebellardan to‘g‘ri foydalanish va ularni saqlanishini taʼminlash, shuningdek tegishli joriy taʼmirlash ishlarini amalga oshirish
Agentlik boshqarma va bo‘limlarini talabnoma asosida zarur bo‘lgan kanselyariya mollari va ish qog‘ozlari bilan taʼminlash
Agentlikning barcha xonalarida ish yuritish uchun qulay shart-sharoit yaratish hamda mavjud inventarlar, orgtexnika, telefon tarmog‘i, kompyuterlar, nusxa ko‘chirish apparatlari, printerlar va faks apparatlarining uzluksiz ishlashini taʼminlash
Agentlik tomonidan xarid qilinadigan va mavjud bo‘lgan barcha moddiy qiymatliklarning mavjudligi, butligi va ishlatilgan moddiy qiymatliklarni hisobdan chiqarish dalolatnomalarini tuzib, buxgalteriya hisobidan chiqarish uchun takliflar tayyorlash
Agentlikdagi kommunal xizmatlar, elektr energiya, isitish tizimi, sovuq va issiq suv taʼminotini uzluksiz nazorat qilish hamda yuzaga keladigan nosozliklarni o‘z vaqtida bartaraf etish
Baltabayeva Nursulu Koshkinbayevna
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (151)
To organize high-quality education of students of Presidential schools on the basis of Cambridge international educational programs in the direction of "STEAM - education".Additionally, an in-depth study of the content of academic subjects, students are provided with the necessary conditions for the formation of such skills and abilities as independent learning, logical and critical thinking, independent application of knowledge in practice and data analysis;
In addition to the Certificate of General Secondary Education (certificate), approved by the state, orginise in the prescribed manner, the provision of the Cambridge International AS & A to students, which makes it possible to enter the leading higher educational institutions of the foreign countries;
In addition to potential local teachers, 34 qualified foreign teachers are involved in the educational process at 4 Presidential schools.
Ashirov Said Anorbayevich
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (161)
Ijod maktablaridagi taʼlim sifatini oshirish, ushbu sohadagi zimmasiga yuklangan vazifalarni amalga oshirishda turli vazirlik va idoralar bilan samarali hamkorlikni yo‘lga qo‘yish
Ijod maktablariga zamonaviy fikrlaydigan, tashabbuskor, masʼuliyatli, kasbiy tayyorgarlikdan o‘tgan, malakali pedagog kadrlarni jalb etish, maktab direktorlari va uning o‘rinbosarlarini tayinlanishida taklif va tavsiyalar berish
Ijod maktablaridagi pedagog kadrlar taʼminoti va tarkibi bo‘yicha o‘rganishlarda ishtirok etish
Muvaffaqiyatli xorijiy tajribalarni o‘rganadi va ulardan kelib chiqqan holda taʼlimning zamonaviy tizimlari asosida ijod maktablari bilan ishlash mexanizmini takomillashtirish
O‘quvchilarning sifatli taʼlim olishlari uchun zarur bo‘lgan ehtiyojlarni aniqlaydi, takliflar tayyorlaydi va amalga oshirilishini taʼminlash
Ijod maktablari direktorlarining mehnat faoliyatini, axloq-iroda sifatlari, iqtidori va ko‘nikmalarini, amalga oshirayotgan ishlarining samarasini obyektiv baholashga asoslangan monitoring yuritadi va nazoratga olish
Ijod maktablarida yuksak kasbiy odob-ahloq, korrupsiyaga qarshi turish madaniyatini va unga toqat qilib bo‘lmaydigan munosabatni shakllantirish bo‘yicha taʼsirchan choralarni ko‘rish
Muntazam asosda ijod maktablaridagi pedagog-kadrlarning professional darajasini oshirish, bunda ularning uzluksiz shu jumladan, xorijda taʼlim olishini (sohaga oid va yuqori malakali mutaxassislarni jalb qilgan holda), tavsiya etish
Agentlik tizimida ijod maktablarini rivojlantirish bo‘yicha normativ-huquqiy xujjatlar va boshqa xujjatlarning loyihalarini ishlab chiqadi hamda ularni belgilangan tartibda ko‘rib chiqish uchun agentlik rahbariyatiga kiritish
Kazakova Saxiba Abdurayimovna
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (181)
In addition to in-depth training in STEAM sciences, including mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology and foreign languages, to deeply instill in the minds of the younger generation the great and invaluable heritage of the great scientists Muhammad al-Khorezmi, Mirzo Ulugbek, Abu Ali ibn Sino;
Help students achieve high results in natural sciences;
Create appropriate conditions for identifying and realizing talents and abilities in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as mastering the foundations of fundamental science.
Usmonov Oybek Ulugbekovich
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (291)
Ensuring compliance with state educational standards and requirements of Presidential, creative and specialized schools;
Organizing monitoring of the quality of education based on improving state educational standards and requirements and studying the experience of developed countries;
Development of materials, technologies and methods used in the monitoring process, improvement of these aspects based on the study of international experience;
Widespread introduction of information and communication technologies to ensure a transparent, fair and impartial organization of the monitoring process;
Methodological guidelines for the development of teaching materials to fill the gaps identified in the monitoring process, based on the educational needs of teachers and students, factors affecting the quality of education, recommendations to the Department of Protocols and Development of Standards;
Studying international experience in the field of monitoring the quality of education and, on its basis, develop proposals for improving the monitoring process;
Prepare to participate in the national and international assessment of students' knowledge on the basis of relevant government decisions and international agreements;
Ensure the fulfillment of the tasks established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, decisions and orders of the highest executive authorities, as well as decisions and orders of the Agency on issues of its competence;
To interact with the relevant state bodies and departments of the Agency on issues within its competence;
Participate in international, regional and national meetings, conferences and seminars on issues within his competence;
Give an objective assessment of the literacy of students, prepare proposals for participation in international research to develop their ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice.
Xujamov Inam Xikmatovich
Head of Department
Phone: +998 (71) 207-20-17 (171)
Coordination of student admission to presidential, creative and specialized schools;
Preparation of regulations for student admission and organization of qualification tests for Presidential, creative and specialized schools;
Development of proposals for the continuous improvement of the rules for admitting students;
Development of quotas for admission to Presidential, creative and specialized schools in the agency system;
Jrganize the application process for the respective classes of students in cooperation with partner organizations;
Monitoring and analysis of document acceptance processes;
Negotiate with foreign experts on the organization of qualification exams for presidential schools;
Determination of the place for passing the qualified exams in cooperation with partner organizations;
Preparation of buildings and structures for qualification exams in accordance with established standards;
Coordination of the results of qualifying exams;
Monitoring vacancies in Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools;
Organization of selection exams for filling vacancies in the prescribed manner;
Organization of seminars, meetings, conferences and other events dedicated to the reception of Presidential, creative and specialized schools;
Together with the relevant ministries and departments, develop and improve proper regulations on behalf of the Agency's management;
Development of short-term, medium-term and long-term plans for the development of Presidential, creative and specialized schools in conjunction with departments and divisions of the Agency for the Development of Presidential Creative and Specialized Schools;
Determine the methods and principles for identifying gifted students and the procedure for their admission to Presidential, creative and specialized schools;
Development of normative documents on general secondary education in cooperation with the ministries of public education, development of information technologies and communications, innovative development, higher and secondary specialized education, ministries of justice, the Academy of Sciences, other interested organizations and departments, exit and participation in its improvement;
Participate in the development and implementation of joint programs for the development of educational institutions under the auspices of international, state and non-state educational institutions operating in Uzbekistan on behalf of the Agency;
Timely consideration of proposals, applications and complaints of employees working in Presidential, creative and specialized schools and citizens, on organizing the selection process for students, to the Agency's leadership to eliminate the identified deficiencies, as well as submit proposals to state bodies and public education authorities, if necessary, include them in the discussion of the meeting Agencies;
Organization of admission of students to Presidential, creative and specialized schools, organization of wide media coverage of the process of conducting qualification exams.