International meeting on exchange of experience

A meeting was held via Zoom on cooperation between the Agency for the development of the Presidential, Creativity and Specialized Schools and the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools of Kazakhstan.

It was attended by Khilola Umarova, head of the Agency for the development of the Presedential, Creativity and Specialized Schools, Kulyash Shamsitdinova, chairwoman of the Board of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and other officials.

During the meeting, Khilola Umarova, Head of the Agency, stressed the importance of developing a model of the education system based on international experience:

- First of all, it is necessary to reconsider the standards of education and bring them to a level that meets the requirements of modern scientific and technological progress. In addition, it is important to improve teaching methods in schools - to abandon the traditional way of teaching students to interpret information critically, solve problems and make decisions. One of the most important issues is to radically reconsider the requirements for writing educational and methodological materials. In this regard, we are in favor of establishing mutually beneficial relations.

After that, Kulyash Shamshidinova, chairwoman of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, said:

- First of all, we thank you for your interest in cooperating with Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and we are always ready to share experiences. Indeed, the emphasis on education remains one of the most pressing issues in the world today. We also studied the world experience and chose the one that suits us, taking into account the criteria of our mentality. At the same time, we try to avoid commonalities in the evaluation system. We are ready to jointly develop educational standards.

The meeting on Zoom was full of questions and answers. The two sides agreed to further exchange information and cooperate.