Various events were held in schools run by Agency on the occasion of May 9 - the Day of Remembrance and Respect.
In particular, students of the School of Creativity named after Abdulla Qodiri visited the Victory Park in Tashkent.
The Ogahiy School of Creativity also hosted a celebration on the theme "Memory is eternal, honor is sacred."
Pupils of the Muhammad Yusuf School of Creativity laid flowers at the foot of the statue of the mourning mother.
The team and students of Hamid Olimjon and Zulfiya Creative School visited the house of Holmat ota Sharipov, a World War II veteran, and congratulated Holmat ota and gave food products by the sponsors of the creative school.
An open lesson on "Memory is eternal, honor is sacred" was held at the boarding school named after Halima Khudoiberdiyeva, which specializes in in-depth teaching of native language and literature.