On May 11, a press-conference was organized by the Agency for Development of the Presidential, Creativity and Specialized Schools on the procedure for admission to the Presidential schools in the country.

 At this press-conference, which was organized on the procedure of admission and examinations to the Presidential schools, information was provided on the application process, examination procedures, and requirements.


- dates and places of examinations;

- examination stages;

- Official websites where the results of the exam will be posted, etc.

The dates and venues of the entrance exams to the Presidential Schools shall be determined by the Admissions Committee.

Exams to Presidential schools are held in two stages.

Checking the results of exams and evaluating the results of applicants' answers is carried out by the Cambridge Assessment, a foreign organization operating in the field of education.

The results of the exam will be posted on the official websites of the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (UK) and the Presidential Schools.

Applicants are not allowed to bring or use reference materials and electronic computing equipment to the exams.

Journalists received answers to their questions during the conference.